MSB Banking Certificate Program
CourseWe review the basic principles to vet, underwrite, and onboard an approved MSB relationship at a bank. The course provides an overview of what MSBs are, what they do, how to properly underwrite and approve the right type of MSB for your institution.
Introduction to Consumer Lending (2023-10-26)
CourseWebinar covers basics of consumer lending including the consumer loan function, marketing consumer loans, and making consumer lending decisions based on the five (5) C’s of credit- capacity, capital, collateral, conditions, and character. W202310290B
Introduction to Commercial Lending (2023-10-26)
CourseIntro to Commercial Lending is a must for all new commercial lenders and the session will begin with a brief overview of “conventional” commercial lending versus SBA lending. Also, the concept of “credit scoring” will be explored. W202310300B
The Do's and Don’t's of a Notary Public (2023-10-24)
CourseIn this session we will provide best practices for notarizing documents commonly presented to and by financial institutions, as well as when and how to utilize your institution’s corporate seal. W202311160B
Virtual Currency 3-Part Bootcamp: Impact on Your BSA Program, Basics of Virtual Currency, and Knowing the Risks (2023-10-24)
CourseThis 3-part virtual currency bootcamp will take attendees through understanding virtual currency and the impact on your BSA program, the basics of understanding virtual currency, and the risks of virtual currency. B202309900C
Lending Exam Targets Locked: Preparing Your TRID, Fair Lending & CRA Programs for Increased Scrutiny (2023-10-19)
CourseIn this session we will review Agency-issued guidance, advisories and proposals that set forth examiner expectations and dive into the emerging trends of fair lending enforcement and analyze where issues may arise. W202311120A