Whether you are an acquisition away from the $500 million asset size level, or the $1 Billion asset size level or organic growth has gotten you there, there is a lot that may change because of you hitting that asset size.
While Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA) has been around since before the new century, the current banking environment means banks may have to comply with these regulations within their next year.
Many banks approaching the $1B threshold appear to be falling short of the requirements defined under FDICIA. These requirements vary based on whether your institution has between $500M and $1B in assets, or if you exceed $1B in assets as measured by the individual charters within your institution or holding company.
If your institution is reaching the $500M, are you familiar with the new requirements and regulations with which you must comply, especially those pertaining to Auditor independence and reporting regulations? Is your audit committee in compliance?
If your institution is close to the $1B asset mark, you also have additional requirements under FDICIA that can impact your audit committee, reports and internal controls.
This banking webinar will provide an overview of different requirements for compliance by asset size, regulatory reports and cover what it means to you, your board and audit committee as well as your internal and external audit firms.