
This introduction to credit risk management is designed to show participants how to plan, organize, and execute credit risk management by emphasizing tools and techniques.

Topics covered include:

  • The role of credit risk among the enterprise risks
  • Identifying the bank’s credit culture and align it with the bank’s desired risk appetite and tolerance
    • Credit discipline tools
    • Desired corporate priority, credit risk strategy, degree of risk management exercised, credit policy implemented
  • Identifying, managing, and monitoring transaction risk, intrinsic risk, and concentration risk in the bank’s credit exposure
    • Role of risk ratings in transaction risk management
    • Role of products and services in intrinsic risk management
    • Role of single entity, geography, industry, and underwriting in concentration risk management
  • Employing credit policy to support the bank’s credit policy and credit strategy
    • Components of credit policy
      • Credit information, analysis, and underwriting
      • Decision, approval, closing, booking, funding, and monitoring
    • Credit administration
      • Documentation, files, risk ratings, loan review, and audit
      • Approval authorities, pricing discipline
      • Monitoring asset quality, covenant compliance
  • Portfolio management
    • Credit strategies to maintain portfolio quality and profitability

These sessions will provide a legal and compliance perspective of a financial institutions responsibilities in gathering such documents during the account opening process. 


Devon Risk Advisory Group / Principal Dev Strischek

A frequent speaker, instructor, advisor and writer on credit risk and commercial banking topics and issues, Martin J. "Dev" Strischek is principal of Devon Risk Advisory Group based near Atlanta, Georgia. Dev advises, trains, and develops for financial organizations risk management solutions and recommendations on a range of issues and topics, e.g., credit risk management, credit culture, credit policy, credit and lending training, etc. Dev is the former SVP and senior credit policy officer at SunTrust Bank, Atlanta. He was responsible for developing, implementing, and administering credit policies for SunTrust’s wholesale lines of business--commercial, commercial real estate, corporate investment banking, capital markets, business banking and private wealth management. Prior to SunTrust, Mr. Strischek was chief credit officer for Barnett Bank’s Palm Beach market. Dev is also a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB’s) Private Company Council (PCC).


2.0 CPE Credits & 2.5 AAP Credits