Dates of Event & Pricing

$549 for Webinars and Playbacks*

*Playback has no expiration.

  • Parts 1 & 2: Thursday, April 9, 2020
    Parts 3 & 4: Friday, April 10, 2020

  • 12:00 – 3:30 pm (Eastern Time)

  • 11:00 – 2:30 pm (Central Time)

  • 10:00 – 1:30 pm (Mountain Time)

  • 9:00 – 12:30 pm (Pacific Time)


Credit Union (CUs) have attracted many newcomers to the industry, often at entry level positions. Those newcomers generally work their way up to more challenging positions at the CU. Because of the relatively small size and limited resources at most CUs, formal training is in many cases a luxury. Employees have to learn on the job. This is not always the best or easiest way. The new CU employee needs an overview of his or her CU and the industry the CU is part of. Also, he or she needs basic knowledge about how the CU fulfills its quarterly responsibility for filing financial information with the CU’s regulator – the NCUA. This webinar satisfies those needs.

This exclusive BankersHub training is an excellent way for credit unions to provide reasonably priced professional training to all financial staff, including bookkeepers, accountants, clerks and Chief Financial Officers.  It gives management comfort that employees know what to do to avoid reporting errors, omissions and revisions. It also demonstrates to regulators that the credit union is serious about keeping its staff educated on critical reporting requirements.

CU Call Reports 101: Introduction to Forms 5300 and 5310
April 9, 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET
This introductory CU accounting webinar provides the basic overview of the CU industry, primarily by providing a brief history of the industry. It highlights pivotal events in the CU industry evolution, and how important changes have occurred in the industry over the years. It also provides a solid understanding of how the independent CU industry regulatory mechanism works [e.g. how CU depositors (a/k/a CU members) are protected, and how regulators oversee the financial affairs of each CU by reviewing each CUs quarterly Form 5300, which is covered in this webinar in a fashion that is suitable for new, inexperienced CU personnel.]
Learning Objectives

  • Distinguish between individual CUs, Corporate CUs and CUSOs
  • Appreciate the history of CUs
  • Understand the independence of the CU community
  • Comprehend the meaning of “field of membership”
  • Know what services are offered to members by CUs
  • Differentiate between CUs and “CUs for CUs”
  • Understand key rules of the NCUA
  • Learn the purposes for CUSOs
  • Master the key historical points in CU history
  • Comprehend the purpose for the quarterly regulatory Call Report filings on Forms 5300 and 5310

CU Call Reports 201: A Closer Look at Form 5300
April 9, 2:00 – 3:30 pm ET
The Form 5300 quarterly Call Report for natural person credit unions (CUs) represents a very detailed balance sheet and income statement with very detailed supporting Schedules. The Form 5300 is unique to the CU industry and requires a careful look by those involved with it as preparers or reviewers. The most important Schedule is the balance sheet with its intricate handling of loans and investments and its lack of the typical “stockholders’ equity” section. The income statement is straight forward and lacks the uniqueness of the CU balance sheet. Although important, the income statement is not as important as the balance sheet and has less coverage in this webinar.
This 2nd installment in our Credit Union Call Report series covers each line on the important balance sheet. It uses an actual Form 5300 filed by an existing, operating CU. It covers what each line should include and not include. Where needed, it provides information to explain the contents of a particular line. Such information includes background on the industry matter and the accounting and regulatory concerns. Attendees will receive significant information to provide them with a solid hands-on understanding about the important aspects of the Form 5300.
This accounting training also provides an overview of the NCUA online system. It explains the roles of the users of that system and the nine (9) types of information that must be kept current in each of the CU Profile Tabs within the online system.
Learning Objectives

  • Understand the CU online system
  • Identify and comprehend what must be included in each of the nine (9) CU Profile Tabs within the CU online system
  • Appreciate helpful hints and mechanical guidance for the Form 5300
  • Distinguish between Form 5300 pages required for all CUs and those pages required for only certain CUs
  • Master the line-by-line requirement for each line on the balance sheet
  • Learn what needs to be included on the important income statement lines

CU Call Reports 301: Calculations of Net Worth Ratio and Risk-Based Capital Ratios
April 10, 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET
Although Credit Unions (CUs) do not have the traditional stockholders’ equity section in the CU’s balance sheet, the CU still must have enough net worth to carry its assets. The minimum standards established for CUs to be well capitalized are:

  • 7% for the net worth to assets ratio (for non-complex CUs)
  • 10% for the risk-based capital ratio (for complex CUs; CUs with assets greater than $50,000,000)

This 3rd installment in our Call Report for Credit Unions webinar series explains the importance of maintaining sufficient capital to handle excess stress during hard economic times. It also shows how the NCUA follows the direction provided by Basel III in establishing net worth ratios to determine when a CU is:

  • Well capitalized
  • Adequately capitalized
  • Undercapitalized
  • Significantly undercapitalized
  • Critically undercapitalized

It also explains circumstances when the NCUA Board can take supervisory actions by forcing CUs to comply with certain “reclassifications.”
The accounting webinar will also review each line on page 12 of Form 5300 – the PCA net worth calculation worksheet – explaining how the automated system populates the various lines and how the CU Administrator must input amounts on certain lines. Although no input is required by the CU, the webinar carefully explains how RBNW is calculated.
Learning Objectives

  • Distinguish between PCA net worth ratio and RBNW ratio
  • Explain Prompt Corrective Action (PCA)
  • Understand Basel III requirements
  • Know the capitalization criterion
  • Differentiate between individual earnings, regular reserves, and other reserves
  • Comprehend what actions to take when there is a merger or if the CU makes an election to use the alternative RBNW ratio
  • Know what to do when ASC Topic 306 (CECL) is adopted (one time adjustment to undivided profits)

CU Call Reports 401: Credit Union Loan Classifications for the CU Call Report Form #5300
April 10, 2:00 – 3:30 pm ET
How to classify loans for CU Call Report purpose is still a mystery for CU Call Report preparers. Perhaps the word mystery goes a bit too far. Nevertheless, loan classification for CU Call Report purposes is very challenging indeed. A Schedule with only twelve possible lines, surprisingly, causes much trouble and frustration. Once the overall approach to classification “clicks,” the Schedule become rather routine and less burdensome. With time and experience, the categorization mystery slowly fades away. Experienced CU Call Report personnel can confirm this fact.

This final webinar in our Credit Union Call Report accounting series focuses on the Schedule called “Loans and Leases as of ______” (page 6 of Form 5300). That page 6 requires the preparer to insert, on lines 1 to 13, the # and $ amount of all CU loans (direct and participations) by appropriate line category. The total of those lines must equal the # and $ amount on the Loans and Leases line 19 on the balance sheet, page 2. That is easier said than done. The webinar explains exactly what should be included on each of the lines 1 to 13. Emphasis is placed on the type of collateral for each type of loan. Collateral dictates where a particular loan appears on the appropriate lines 1 through 13.
The call report training explains the collateral tracking tool used by many CUs. Particular emphasis is placed on the following five collateral types:

  • V = Vechicle
  • R = Real Estate
  • S = Stocks
  • O = Other
  • M = Medallion

Type M is especially useful with up to 99 sub-types.
Learning Objectives

  • Understand mechanics of Loans and Leases on the balance sheet and on the details on the supporting Loans and Leases Schedule
  • Understand what is an PAL loans
  • Comprehend the meaning of non-federally guaranteed student loans
  • Know what are “Other Unsecured Loans”
  • Distinguish between “New Vehicle Loans” and “Used Vehicle Loans”
  • Learn what are secured non-real estate loans.


PSA Professional Service Associates / Founder Paul Sanchez

Paul J. Sanchez, CPA, CBA, CFSA conducts a CPA practice in Port Washington, New York. He is also the owner of Professional Service Associates (PSA), a consulting and professional training and development business servicing corporate clients (auditors, controllers, etc.), CPA firms, professional associations and others. He was an assistant professor at Long Island University – C.W. Post Campus as well as an adjunct lecturer at City University of New York. Prior to starting PSA, he was the Vice President-Professional Development for the Audit Division of a regional bank and Director of Professional Practices and Vice President of a money-center bank, where he directed the professional practice development and training for internal auditors.


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