
Much has been written lately about the superiority of digital banking channels and the demise of brick-and-mortar facilities. New types of mobile banking applications appear almost daily and it seems as though there’s little you cannot do with a Smartphone.

Research continues to shed light on the important role branches and the branch experience still play in the overall customer experience. Customer satisfaction with the branch channel has never been higher but for different reasons and with higher stakes in getting it right.

Michael Beird, former Director of the Banking and Credit Card Practices for JD Power and current industry consultant on Customer Satisfaction in Financial Services, will focus on what customers expect and want most from their banking experience.

Attendees to this banking webinar will leave knowing:

  • Industry trends in retail banking satisfaction, best practices and challenges
  • Which banks are performing well at the top
  • How your frontline staff needs to handle ‘fees’ without sacrificing customer satisfaction
  • What actions need to be taken during and after account opening to solidify the new customer relationship
  • How your brick-and-mortar facility may be costing you customers before they even enter the branch
  • Which problems contribute the most to customer attrition and how to resolve them successfully
  • Which differences in expectations for service ‘excellence’ across demographics matter most for retaining customers
  • The 10 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) critical for integrating into any customer tracking or satisfaction study
  • The one behavior which impacts branch experience more than any other action


BankersHub Co-Founder Michael Beird

With over 35 years experience in financial services, Michael Beird provides leading edge consulting and education to industry practitioners through both live and virtual platforms. Michael has also served as Director of Banking Services for J.D. Power and Associates. He oversaw content for all syndicated and proprietary customer experience research in the banking industry including Retail Banking, Bank Customer Acquisition, Small Business and Credit Card. He served as Managing Director for the Bank Administration Institute (BAI), where he was responsible for managing product development and retail banking events, including BAI Retail Delivery Conference and Expo. Michael was a management consultant for 14 years for banks on 4 continents and began his career in Retail Bank Management at Bank of America and Operations Re-Engineering at Shawmut Bank Boston. He has an MBA in Accounting and Finance from Cornell University and a BA in Social Psychology from University of California Irvine.


1.0 CPE Credits