Understanding External Transfer Fraud and How to Mitigate Your Risks (2023-03-02)
CourseExternal transfers is a service offered by financial institutions to move funds between an account holder at their institution to another financial institution owned by the same individual. There has been an uptick of external fraud. W202308950A
Aligning Debit Card Programs with External Fraud Threats (2023-03-01)
CourseDebit card fraud losses have had a significant impact on the bottom line for many financial institutions due to social engineering attacks on their clients, increased number of system breaches. W202309750A
Effective ACH and RDC Underwriting and Setting Exposure Limits (2023-01-31)
CourseAccount officers/relationship officers may not fully understand the regulatory requirements for assessing the risks of ACH and RDC clients. What is the difference between credit underwriting and transactional risk underwriting? W202310630A
Evolution of the Authorization and NACHA's "Meaningful Modernization" Changes (2023-02-24)
CourseThis presentation will provide a deep dive of Nacha’s “Meaningful Modernization” rule amendments, implemented in September 17, 2021, that addresses the new concepts of Standing and Oral authorizations and Subsequent Entries. W202309990A
Law Enforcement Requests for Subpoenas, Levies and Garnishments (2023-02-21)
CourseFinancial institution records and funds on deposit often become the center of legal disputes and governmental enforcement actions such as 314a requests, subpoenas, garnishments, and tax levies. W202308880A
2023 - Financial Services and the Year Ahead with Tom Brown, Leading Hedge Fund Manager and Industry Analyst (2023-02-21)
CourseTom Brown, globally recognized financial services authority, provides not only his perspective on the year that was, but critical insights and views on what lies ahead for the financial services industry in the year ahead. F202304370B