Effective ACH and RDC Underwriting and Setting Exposure Limits (2023-08-23)
CourseAccount officers/relationship officers may not fully understand the regulatory requirements for assessing the risks of ACH and RDC clients. What is the difference between credit underwriting and transactional risk underwriting? W202310630C
Positive Pay: Using Technology to Mitigate Fraud (2023-08-22)
CourseThis webinar will take attendees through how this product is used to prevent fraud and how to effectively implement and sell this product as part of your treasury program. W202310710B
Powers of Attorney, Authorized Signers and SDB Deputies: What They Can and Can't Do (2023-08-22)
CourseAuthorizing another individual to access their account is a necessary and convenient thing for many of our accountholders. The benefits to your accountholders of adding a power of attorney, authorized signer or deputy to accounts. W202310230A
BSA and OFAC Fundamentals for New Employees and Refresher for Existing Employees (2023-08-21)
CourseThis program designed to provide new employees in client facing or other key areas an overview of the requirements of a BSA/AML program for financial institutions. W202309730B
Upgrading Your BSA/AML/OFAC Program to Align With External Threats (2023-08-21)
CourseThis webinar provides best business practices and controls that are proven to be successful to effectively identify, mitigate and report suspicious activity. W202309850B
The Rise of Debit Card Fraud: Investigating Debit Card App and Person to Person (P2P) Fraud (2023-08-17)
CourseDebit card fraud is an ongoing concern for financial institutions. This session will review trends in debit card fraud, technology tools available and best business practices for identifying authorized vs. unauthorized fraud. W202310910B