2021 and Beyond NACHA Rules Updates, Requests for Comments and Industry Initiatives (2021-03-23)
CourseThis payments webinar will take attendees through 2021 rules changes, requests for comments and industry initiatives that will impact your ACH operations, treasury management, risk management and payments strategy. W202108730B
Using Risk Assessment to Develop Your Audit Plan (2020-11-24)
CourseThis audit webinar is valuable for internal auditors at all levels. It is designed for auditors who are responsible for auditing, reviewing or otherwise “covering” business risks. It takes the mystery out of process. W202006270C
Overview of ALM Asset Liability Management for Interest Rate Risk and the Role of ALCO (2020-03-20)
CourseThis 90-minute accounting training provides an overview of ALM. It focuses on ALM principles and ALM measurement techniques, and auditor or reviewer issues with ALM. W202006310A
BSA Bank Secrecy Act Training for New Staff (2020-07-15)
CourseThis webinar provides a new to BSA training that takes attendees through the most important facets of BSA, go through terminology of BSA, regulatory guidance and how-to prepare for this new specialized role. W202007360B
Customer Experience Journey: Keeping up with what Customers Expect (2020-03-06)
CourseWhen you have a strong relationship and customer experience model, the ROI is clear – customers stay longer and are more engaged as brand advocates for your institution. W202005500A
Asset-Based Lending Primer: Policy and Underwriting Guidance (2020-09-01)
CourseMonitoring and controlling collateral is critical to the asset-based lender to mitigate repayment risk. This lending webinar will explain how ABL policy and process must work to ensure the bank is repaid on time, in full, and as agreed. W202008600A